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Ruth obtained her Diploma in Fine Arts from La Salle Arts School and a Specialist Diploma in Arts Education from the National Institute of Education. She has three years experience designing prints and embroidery in the fashion industry, and has nineteen years of experience teaching art in mainstream and reputable art schools. She also conducted art programmes at the NLB and CDAC. She is well-versed in a variety of mediums having taught sculpture, painting, print-making, mixed-media, clay, and mosaic.


Su obtained her Diploma in Fine Arts from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Education from the National Institute of Education. She has taught art in mainstream and reputable art schools for more than a decade. She has received Merit Awards from NAFA, and Honorary Mentions from NAFA Fine Arts Awards. Her artworks have been displayed at the NAFA arts gallery. She is trained to work with different mediums including different types of paint, printmaking, and clay.


Suh Jiun obtained her Fine Arts Diploma from LASALLE-SIA College of the Arts and has a Certificate in Introduction to Art Therapy & the Creative Process from HeartSpace.

She received the Highly-Commended Award at the 7th Painting of The Year Competition in 1988, and her artworks were displayed in the “Different Strokes” Group Exhibition at Alliance Francaise, Singapore. She has more than three decades of experience teaching art in reputable art schools and teachers’ training workshops.  She was also a freelance illustrator and has co-authored a number of books. She is trained to work with different mediums including different types of paint, printmaking, and clay.